We are conducting research to better understand the needs and challenges that these women are facing as survivors and as community leaders and as mothers, so that we can enhance our materials, resources, training and mentoring programs.


Our online learning center will be housed on this site and will be accessible to all our members. They will be able to download tools, training materials, sample documents, reports, proposals, applications etc etc. and work through it at their own pace. They will be able to use up-to-date lists of donor agencies and organizations around the world as well as access a global network of skills and service providers.
Members will receive one module per week for eight weeks via email. Every week they will join a live webinar group sessions will all their mentors and all their fellow leaders in training. They will each have direct access to their mentor as well as a one on one personal session per week. They will also interact with each other on the Facebook group.


Covid restrictions have put our plans for in-the-field on-the-ground training and mentorship on hold. Tallawah’s GLOW (Global Leadership Opportunities for Women) Summit has been rescheduled to a tentative launch in 2023 in Kampala, Uganda. Tallawah will also be rewarding our top performers with advanced training opportunities internationally. As soon as travel and social interaction normalizes we will be able to move forward with these exciting plans.